
something was wrong …again

This morning I just wanted to have a look at what was going on on the website and in the Inworldshop, but I realised that something was wrong, or still isn’t right. Everything on the website was distorted and looked really shitty. The streamboards no longer output any data from the streams. Now, the website works again with a new template. The old one still looks like shit, no matter what I do. The streamboards no longer overwhelm you with errors. But at the moment they don’t give any information like stream listeners or currently played titles. There must have been an update that screwed up something in the PHP and Apache server. To fix this, I first have to find a scripter who will take a look at it, which is getting more and more difficult at the moment. More and more old friends are disappearing from Second Life, unfortunately.

art by @Lou_Art_93

However, I also have good news, a well-known mesher has agreed to meshen a tail for me as a bento. So the new mods I have planned and prepared are getting closer and closer. I will also look around for alternatives to Kemono Avatar. Legacy looks interesting.

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